[Random Life + RPG] Don't freak out babe!!!

Just wanna say something!!! Oks, so, if you don't know hotmail's gonna close the space or however you wanna call it and you can move you're to wordpress, so I had mine, I haven't used it in years, the last post I had was about our new TVXQ forum the SPfTVXQ... pretty old btw XD and I got some pics of the Salón del Manga of that year. THe point is, I moved my account but I didn't want that stuff to be there, so I deleted everything, I downloaded it before of course, and I wanted to use that for something, but you know, it's like I got too many blogs and nobody's here anyway XD what I mean is I got my writting journal in spanish btw, this blog about random stuff, and this new that I didn't know what to do with, but as the old title of the blog was "Feel the friking powa!" I thought why not to do a friki blog? Sure. So now it's named "Don't freak out babe!!!" and I'm gonna put friki stuff there, still thinking about doing it on english or spanish, probably in english, but about the contents I'm pretty sure it's gonna be about RPGs mainly, you can see it in the banner.
Here it is: Don't freak out babe!!!
I gotta do a button for it and it's still empty so when I should have time I'll fill it with nerdy stuff.

2 comentarios:

  1. hola hermosa no sabia en cual de los dos dejarte el comentario
    asi que lo hago en este, disculpame que no lo haga en el idioma del blog pero mi ingles es asqueroso.
    gracias por pasar por mi pagina,es una grata sorpresa que llegue gente nueva y si a eso le sumamos que es interesante mucho mejor.
    bueno cielo, pasaba a saludar y a desearte una muy buena semana

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.




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