[Random Life + Comics] Salón del Cómic de Barcelona 2014

Hi there! Last weekend (around 10-8 days ago) was "El Salón del cómic de Barcelon" the 32th edition, I've been going there since I was a child and the last couple of years I've been enjoying it the most. When I was younger I was a lot into spanish comics, then manga but for the last five or six years I've been more into the superhero and american comics. I guess I just got old, yeah, old people still read comics, we're cool.
We went on Sunday, outside there was a lot of people doing some kind of marathon for Desigual, no idea. But there wasn't a lot of people inside, it was nice, I guess a lot of people couldn't get in because it was impossible to arrive with the car because of the marathon.
Inside, as always, there was a lot of stands about manga, not that I'm complaining but you know, we already have the Salón del Manga de Barcelona for that, but whatever, I loved the stands about old comics, such a pity my uncles weren't there to see them.
I took some pics about the comics and war and tons of pics about some action figures and stuff like that (because of a friend that wanted a pic of every single thing!) so here I'm going to post some of them, probably my friends will be on a couple of pics too. I'm not on the pics so, yeah… I'll stop talking.

When we checked almost every stand we went to eat and when we came back we checked the Wolverine section. Also, there was "The maze runner" section, we couldn't participate on it but there was a maze, a real one, you took an elevator and it took you to a maze underground something like the movie/book and you had to complete it to win a prize, but they run out of prizes so they didn't let us play. Such a pity. 

And I bought just one thing, a Frank Castle comic, I'll talk about it in the next post. 
Also, to end this post, we saw these Disney characters, plus the three fairies and Malificent of The Sleepy beauty, but they were outside. They looked awesome.

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