[Comics] Frank Castle

Hi there! As I said two posts ago I went to the Salón del Cómic with some friends, that was a while ago actually but I've been a bit busy lately with all the moving to London thing. As I've always liked all kind of comics I had to go. I've always liked Hellblazer and this year I wanted to buy something at the Salón even if a friend of mine works at a comic store, I just wanted to buy something! So, I bough this comic from the same writter and artist and about another anti-hero I love. Frank Castle, aka The punisher.

I was pretty sure I was going to like it, also, my friend recommended it to me, so I was almost 90% sure I was going to love it. And I did, it's similar to the movie, the one with John Travolta on it, but still different. Good comic, awesome character, love the ending. I like the drawing, it's kind of vintagy, but just kind of, I don't know, at least that's the feeling it gives to me. So I think I'll give it 5 stars.

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