[MOVIES] Movies of the week 04

Here's another bunch of movies, again most of them are horror related, I'm trying to go over the best horror movies but I'm also watching other good ones. Although it was Passover I was celebrating my birthday with friends and family so I didn't have time to do this.
So, here they are, I won't do any spoilers on the synopsis of the movies but there might be some on my opinion/review about them.

Taxi driver (1976)

A discharged US Marine comes back to New York, he's suffering from insomnia and starts working as a taxi driver on the night shift. He likes a campaign helper called Betsy who thinks he's not good enough, befriends an underage prostitute and tries to bring her to the good path. One day he's tired of the way his life is going and he decides to make a radical change.

Taxi driver is, let's say, a classic of cinema, I already watched it years ago but I could hardly remember it so I watched it again. It's one of those movies that although they have some action and violence the main plot it's not exactly about that. I think it's a good movie and Robert De Niro looks kinda cute, just saying.

The Paradine case (1947)

A young and successful married lawyer has to defend a beautiful woman accused of the murder of his blind husband. Not only his reputation is at stake but also his marriage.

I watched this one because I thought it was another movie that I've watched years ago and I wanted to see it again but no, it's a different one with kinda similar plot but I'm glad I watched it because it's a good movie. I love old courtroom movies, they are usually very interesting and nothing like the tv movies of nowadays, those are horrible! Also it's an Alfred Hitchcock movie, what else do I need to say?

Altered states (1980)

A young scientist is investigating the different states of the human mind with the help of an isolation tank and different drugs. At the same time his mind is going back in time so is his body and even if his fellows and his wife suggest he should end the experiments he continues to the end.

This is a strange movie, I don't get the whole devolving thing, if the machine and the drugs could make your body go back in time you would be younger not devolved, but that's just being picky.
This movie is good but too cheesy for my taste, although the main character is not really into love at the end you can see that love is what saves the whole situation. Okay...

Tremors (1990)

Two handyman that work at the desert town of Perfection find a new species of giant flesh eating earth worms. The inhabitants of that town would try to survive or defeat the creatures.

I must say that I have a weak spot for anything Kevin Bacon did on the 80s and 90s, I'm sorry about that, I just think he was really cute. The monster of this movie is just bad, early 90s FXs, but at least, from what I remember, this is better than the tv show they did later. There's nothing new in this movie, giants worms that appear out of nowhere and start to kill people, but I still like it.

Quatermass and the pit  (1967)

While some workers are upgrading the tube line they discover what seems to be an old bomb but further digging proves that it's in fact some kind of alien device that starts affecting the humans around it.

This kind of movie makes me nervous, is the kind of movie where you can clearly see how everything is going to go wrong, you see the proofs but yet the 'bad' guys from the movie decide to ignore them because. And then, everything goes wrong as expected. The creatures in this movie look like a school project but it's 67, we can't blame them! I would like to see a good remake of this movie, maybe it's already out there.

The jacket (2005)

A war veteran comes back after being shot on the head, which causes him some injuries on the brain. While he travels back home he is accused of the murder of a cop and he is sent to a psychiatric because of his injury. One of the doctors uses him to run some experiments with an old straitjacket that would make him travel in time.

Honestly, if I knew it was going to be like that I would have never watched it. I'm not saying it's a bad movie, I was just expecting something more scary, not something about time travel and feelings. I think it's actually a good movie, just not what I wanted to see at that moment.

Fright night (1985)

A teenager believes his new neighbor is a vampire and tries to convince his friends and the host of his favorite horror tv show, Fright Night, to help him kill the vampire that's menacing to kill him and to seduce his girlfriend.

This is what I would call a typical 80s movie, it's fun and I'm sure it was scary back then, horrible make up but actually pretty great because 80s were great. I know they did a remake of this one with the hot Collin Farrell, maybe I should watch it. Maybe not.

Cien años de perdón (2016)

A bunch of bank robbers chose a rainy day to rob a bank, inside it, there's a box where there's a lot of important information of a corrupt politic that everybody is trying to get.

I went to the cinema with my father to watch this one. Great Spanish movie, the plot is actual and very well thought, it also has some comedy on it, because life is just like that, you can't be crying all the time, you mustn't! And, even though the robbers are supposed to be the bad guys, at the end you just want them to win because fuck the system (?).

Les chevaux de dieu (2012)

Two brothers and some friends live in the poor side of Casablanca, the older brother is rather violent and eventually ends in prison where he becomes an extremist Muslim. He ends up involving his brother and their friends who are indoctrinated and trained to become suicide bombers.

I think everyone should watch this movie to realize how people uses religion to indoctrinate people that are looking for someone to care about them, something that would make them believe they're important and use them as weapons to achieve their purposes. This is a great movie that makes you see the other side of the coin, it makes you see the killers as victims because they actually are. Again, great movie. Must watch.

The masque of the red death  (1964)

A prince is terrorizing his people while he lives surrounded by luxury, food and parties. The red death appears into town and while all the poor people is dying he adduces a girl, her father and her lover while he has a big banquet and pretends to use the death of both men to entertain them. But the walls of the castle might not be strong enough to keep the sickness out of it.

A classic Vincent Price movie, I think everyone should watch everything Vincent Price did, go and do it! Good movie, not too different from what's happening today in the world, people with money and power takes advantage of the rest of the world but at the end we're all the same, aren't we?

Ich seh, Ich seh (2014)

After an accident and face surgery the mother of two twins come back home but the two boys start to notice the she has changed and start to suspect she might not be their real mother.

An Austrian movie that I watched by chance, I saw it close to the other ones, read the plot and went for it. It's a good movie as long as you never watched the next one I'll talk about. You can see there's something wrong from the beginning, when you hear the mother talk in singular all the time you start to think that maybe she's not the one with the problem there.

The other (1972)

Two twins live in the country surrounded by their family but some deaths start to happen and one of the twins points to the other one, but not everything is what it seems.

I didn't know this one was almost exactly like the previous one, the way the plot is explained it makes them look different, but no, they're almost exactly the same and I didn't know until I watched both. I think this one is better done that the previous one, you don't suspect what's happening until the grandmother talks about it. It's a shocking movie, mostly the end.

I'm really late this week but it had been crazy, I didn't even answer to all the people who sent me birthday messages (because I hate birthday messages and I need time to get over the fact that I'm older) but let's talk about movies.
The one I liked the most this week is Les chevaux de dieu, with all the stuff that's happening nowadays I think it's a good movie to watch.

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