[Random Life] The Ruling Class

Hey there, it's been a few months since I last posted here (is anyone there? No? Okay... I'll speak to myself then.) we (my family and I) are having a rough time, personal stuff that is not related with this post so I'm going to skip it for the future, maybe.
Anyway, main thing, I'm feeling like shit because of that so I need to go out and do stuff and what's better than going to the theater to see a play in which James McAvoy (aka young professor Charles Xavier) is the main role? Probably marrying (once he is divorced) James McAvoy and make him act that same play for you every day, doing all the different character, he would kill you at some point though... What I'm trying to say is, if you want to feel better and forget about your shitty life, if you have at least £15 to spend however you want, go and watch it.

To summarize the plot, the Earl of Gurney dies and his only son inherits everything (minus some money for charity and the butler), he's crazy, interned willingly in a psychiatric, his uncle and family wants the money so they make everything they can to be in control of it.
The first part of the play is hilarious, literally, just amazing, you can't stop laughing all the time and James McAvoy acting like the crazy Jack who believes he's God, the God of love, is one of the best things of the play.
Honestly, I would have never thought he was such an amazing actor, it's just amazing how he performs this character, his mood changes, his paranoia, everything, on the second part of the play the character changes completely, he's no more the God of love, he's the God of revenge and the play starts to be darker, but still funny. You really have to see him perform live to appreciate how awesome he is (and how much he spits, sorry I always find that disturbing), I would even say that even if I don't think he's very handsome I changed my mind after seeing him in person, maybe it was just the effect of his great performance, I don't know. I have to say that another character that I really loved was the butler, I don't know, he was really funny and almost endearing.

This time it was easier for me to follow the whole play, actually I just missed a couple of jokes and that was it, it wasn't hard to understand at all.
I recommend this play, 10 out of 10, it was funny, it had some short music performances, James McAvoy in underwear riding a unicycle. You have until 11 April to see it and if I feel really down I might go and see it again, because who needs food? Sorry but my mental health is a priority, I can survive eating a week at McDonals, right?

PS: By the way, it's also a movie, with Peter O'toole, I'll watch it when I'll have the time 'cause I'm sure it's amazing!

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