I decided that from all the movies I've watched, I would choose the one I think it's the best, I'll try to be objective but it's probably going to be attached to my personal preferences and likes.
I'm going to do a small summary of all the movies, maybe a couple of sentences, I watched and then tell the one that was my favourite.
It's going to be mostly horror movies or something related because I'm going over the ones that are supposed to be the best horror movies, and honestly, I love horror movies.
Here they are:
The bad seed (1956)
A mother discovers that her daughter is not the good kid she thought she was. She starts suspecting when a kind from her school dies in unclear circumstances. 
As the Gods will (2014)
A Japanese movie in which Japanese traditional games have a bloody twist. All the students of the high-schools of the world are playing those games, only the best ones are surviving.
Eraserhead (1977)
A surrealist movie that talks about a dysphoric future where the main character has to take care of his mutant son.
Who can kill a child? (1976)
Two tourist travel to a Spanish island on their holidays, when they discover that all the adults are being killed by the children they try to escape the island.
The body snatcher (1945)
A doctor needs bodies for his medicine teachings, he pays one old acquaintance to steal bodies from the cemetery. When he starts to kill people, the doctor wants to stop their business, but it wouldn't be as easy as he though.
The wolf man (1941)
During a fair, a man kills a wolf and gets bitten by it. After that he starts to lose consciousness and one of the gypsies of the fair tells him he was actually bitten by a werewolf. When some murders start to happen, he's the first suspect.
Mad Love (1935)
A doctor falls in love with an actress but it's an unrequited love. Her husband, a famous pianist, suffers a train accident and he is going to lose his hands, but she resorts to the doctor who transplants the hands of a serial killer to the husband. The doctor tries everything to get the love of the actress, even trying to make the husband crazy.
Don't look now (1973)
A couple loses his daughter on an accident, later the move to Venice for a while so the husband can work at the restoration of a church. There they meet a couple of sisters, one of whom is a clairvoyant. The daughter of the couple is trying to warn them of something meanwhile the father starts to have weird visions and accidents.
Nightwatch (1994)
A university student starts working at a mortuary to earn some money. There's a serial killer who kills women, some of them are sent to his mortuary. He starts seeing things and then the killings start to point in his direction.
Black Sunday (1960)
A witch is burnt centuries ago but she would try to come back, using the body of one of her descendants that looks like her. A young doctor and the brother of the descendant would try to stop the witch from coming back.
Return of the living dead (1985)
Two guys working at a medical supplies open by accident a barrel with a body that was involved in a chemical mishap that made the dead come back to life. They and some friends would have to fight against the forces they released.
The cat and the canary (1978)
The heirs of an old rich man come back after 20 years of his dead to see the movie he made as his last will. Throughout the night they discover a killer had escaped from a sanatorium and starts to kill the inhabitants of the house.
Village of the Damned (1960)
On different places of the world, the people of some towns faint suddenly, without any reason. Later, some of the women discover they are pregnant. The babies grow up faster than normal humans, they are smarter and have some weird and dangerous powers. 
It's actually pretty hard to choose just one movie because almost all of them were pretty good and they are all from different countries and decades, so it's hard to compare them even if they all are horror movies.
I think I would go either for The cat and the canary or the Village of the Damned.
What I like about the first one is the pulp fiction vibe it has, it reminds me a little bit of Agatha Christie's Ten little Niggers (although that one is even better) and the twist at the end.
About the Village of the Damned, although I think the plot has been used lots of times (Who would kill a child? Children of the corn. Etc) I like this version mostly because of the ending of the movie.
I actually recommend most of this movies, although the As the Gods will looks like there should be a second part, so maybe you want to wait because I'm sure there will be, and if you're not into surrealism, don't watch Eraserhead, it's really weird.
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