[BOOKS] The God delusion.

Hey there! Lately I've been a lot into freethinkers' books, mostly science books but also what people would call atheist books. I'm not going to do a proper review about this one, sorry, but if you're interested in this kind of things or just curious you must give it a try.
 I think it's pretty good, interesting and entertaining. It's written by Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist and a very smart and very British guy (I still love British accent, I can't help it).
If you grew up in a religious environment as I did (I went to a catholic school and high-school) you're going to like to see things from a different perspective, even if you believe in God, I think it's interesting. And that's why this is my book of the month (not that I have a lot of time to read multiple books because I have work and a lot of hobbies) and I wanted to give it a shout out, I really recommend it unless you feel offended by people using their brains, then don't read it.

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