[MOVIES] Movies of the week 02.

I'm back with another bunch of horror movies, yes, still horror movies and I think it's going to be like this for a while. I'm doing this earlier this week, I was supposed to do it on Friday last week but I was too busy, but from now on I'm going to do it every Friday or Saturday.
I decided to do the small summary and also a couple of lines about my opinion.
Here they are:

Videodrome (1983)

The president of a TV is looking for a new show, he finds a very violent one and decides to investigate a bit about it to add it into his programming but this show is not normal and it starts making him see visions.

This is a David Cronenberg movie, which means its weird as shit and also a bit disturbing. Luckily it has 80s effects so it's not that bad, but if you don't like bloody mutilated and deformed parts of the human body, don't even watch it.
Plot wise it's not a bad movie, the ending is a bit confusing but again, it's David Cronenberg.

They live (1988)

A construction worker find some sunglasses that make them see another side of reality, it looks like the whole society is being deceived and controled by aliens that are around us.

When I started watching this  movie I rememberd I had watch it already, I don't remember when, probably when I was a child but I remember pieces of it.
It's an entertaining movie, it has a very long fight scene that I find hilarious because it doesn't make any sense and in general I like it, but I'm not a big fan of how the main character ends.

The Lodger (1944)

A movie about Jack the ripper. An old couple has a new guest at their place where they live with their niece, an actress. The man that's renting the room is a strange doctor. A series of crimes start to happen and they suspect of their guest who hates all women who work on the entertainment business.

This is an old but good movie, it's pretty obvious from the begining that the man is the killer but that's not the main attraction of the movie, you have to watch it to the end to know who is going to survive.

Black Christmas (1974)

A sorority house is receiving creepy and sexual calls from a stranger. A young girl gets missing and so does one of the sorority girls. They start to look for both of them while the killer, still in the house, keeps killing more sorority members.

A 70s slash movie, not too much blood, a bit on the boring side, the ending is interesting although you can see it coming.

The descent (2005)

A groups of enthusiasts of extreme sports go to a cave to practice speleology but things don't go as spected when they find out they're not the only ones inside those caves.

Another movie that I had watch already although I didn't remember until half of the movie, I had a feeling but I had watch a few that had similar plot so I wasn't sure.
Not a bad movie but nothing special, the ending is a bit confusing.

Black sabbath (1963)

A compilation of three short horror movies.
The first one is about a woman that's receiving menacing calls at his place telling her she would die before morning.
The second one is about the Wurdalak, some kind of vampire that feeds from the blood of their beloved ones.
The last one is about a nurse that steals the ring from a deceased woman who happened to be a spiritualist.

I must say that I liked those movies, they had a bit of mistery and some old horror and they were well done. They had a nice twist that made them very interesting.

The curse of Frankenstein (1957)

A movie about the classic story of the monster of Frankenstein. A scientist too enthusiastic tries to create the perfec human specimen from pieces of different human beings and bring him to life, but it doesn't go as planned.

I found a bit strange that they used one actor to act as the tutor and then when they grow up it's the same actor but Frankesntein, when he's older, is the same age as the tutor. Not a big deal, but it always happens in this kind of old movies that the actors either are or look older than they're supposed to be. Not that it doesn't happens nowadays.
A good movie, not too fond of the monster's make up, sorry, but a nice movie nonetheless. The plot is known by everyone but I think it's still very interesting to watch.

Tenebre (1982)

 A writer arrives to Rome where a killer starts to use his book as his inspiration to kill women. He receives an envelope with a quote from his book after every crime.

An early 80s movie, that means naked women for no reason at all. Whatever. A good movie anyway, it has an interesting ending. I also watched it already but I didn't remember until I watched maybe fifteen minutes or so.

In the mouth of madness (1995)

An investigator is in charge of looking for a missing writter. He follows the clue to a non existent town that seems straight out of the pages of his books. Strange things start to happen to everyone who read his last book.

A John Carpenter movie, kind of similar to David Cronenberg if we talk about disturbing body mutations. Still, a good movie, I wouldn't call it scary but it makes you feel uneasy and uncomfortable.

Dawn of the dead (1978)

Second movie from the zombie saga of George A. Romero. A group of people scape of the zombies that are infesting the town and they hide inside a mall trying to survive.

I already watched this ones years ago but I wanted to watch all the Romero movies as I watched Night of the living dead a month ago or so.
A movie that even though it's not exactly a comedy it still has a comedic feeling and some scenes are quite funny. Slow and dumb zombies are not that scary but it's a classic that must be watched.

Day of the dead (1985)

Third movie of the George A. Romero zombie saga. In this one a group of scientists, protected by the military, are trying some experiments on the infected, one of them is trying to find a cure but the other one, a crazy scientist, is trying to domesticate them, but something goes wrong.

I liked this movie, it has the same feeling as the other ones but the effects are a bit better. I thought Bob was really cool, even if he was a zombie and I hated the militar guy, boss, whatever he was. I didn't think this one was as funny as the other ones although it was a scene that I thought was pretty cool.

Land of the dead (2005)

Fourth movie of the George A. Romero zombie saga. The zombies are everywhere and the few survivors are in a isolated part of the town where they try to protect themselves from the zombies. The rich and lucky ones are living in a building that's highly protected while the rest of the population has to survive on the streets. Meanwhile, the zombies are starting to remember and learn and they are looking for a place to 'live'.

A more modern one, better special effects, I'm kind of sad that these zombies don't have a grey face like the old ones but it's not a big deal. I don't want to spoil anyone but I was specting the big boss was a zombie, it wasn't, it would have been really cool. Good movie, I like it, I'm going to keep watching the last two next week.

Okay, so, if I had to choose one I would probably go with the Black Sabbath one, the three stories are interesting, they're different from each other and still feel kinda the same.
But also, the whole Living dead saga is pretty amazing but I feel I won't be able to properly review it until I watch all of them.

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